
食飲 Dining

蘊泉庄為每一道料理注入多元融合的特色,嚴選台灣在地食材的『日蘊堂』,餐點融會中西合璧,風雅餘韻,兼具味覺及視覺的饗宴。讓所有蒞臨『日蘊堂』的賓客享用到最新鲜、最具有特色的美味佳餚。 YUN ESTATE HOTEL infuses each dish with multicultural elements. The Sun Table uses carefully selected local products to prepare dishes that blend Taiwanese and Western influences. Each dish is elegant in terms of flavor and visual appeal. At night, enjoy a glass of delicious wine or tea and your favorite book at the Book Lounge for a tasteful and delightful evening. Guests have access to the freshest and most unique cuisine anytime, anywhere.

日蘊堂 The Sun Table

由獲獎無數的知名設計師--唐忠漢先生操刀設計,北台灣輕奢華風格結合自然美景的觀夕平台,就在淡水「蘊泉庄」溫泉渡假飯店。長達25公尺的透明玻璃建築,讓台灣八景之一「淡水夕照」能夠不受空間限制,盡收眼底。當夕陽餘暉投射,金黃色的光線映照著光廊內的布幔,每個時刻都能享受到由布幔光影帶來的獨有景致。置身日蘊堂的寬敞空間,除了能享受陽光,清爽綠意也是必備的重點。遠眺紅樹林河畔漣漪,襯以扶疏的庭園造景,讓您在蘊泉庄體驗截然不同的淡水風情。 The master chef uses locally produced food ingredients, and serves cuisine oozing with freshly harvested natural goodness, ingeniously combining Chinese dishes with Western tastes to deliver a truly unique selection of creative Taiwan cuisine.

早餐 Breakfast 07:00 - 10:00 (僅供房客)(In House Guest Only)
午餐 Lunch 12:00 - 14:00 (最後入場時間13:00)(Last Entry 13:00)
下午茶 Tea Time 14:00 - 17:00 (最後入場時間16:00)(Last Entry 16:00)
晚餐 Dinner 18:00 - 21:00 (最後入場時間20:00)(Last Entry 20:00)

論事居 Conference Room

可容納30~150人舒適寬敞的空間並提供高規格的會議設備,適合各種型式的團體活動、國際商務會議等,備有精緻點心及餐飲服務,營造出尊榮非凡的商務體驗。 A spacious area that accommodates 30-80 people and provides high quality conference equipment. Suitable for various group events and international business conferences, etc. Snacks and refreshments will be provided to add to the exclusive and privileged business experience.

Please contact the reservation center or via email to notify us of your preferred date and time.