
風呂 Hot Spring

流經大屯山的火焰淬煉,蛻變成了溫潤的泉水,這是大自然御賜之禮,私密與幽靜的湯泉及SPA是您尋覓寧靜的上佳選擇。粼粼波光中感受大自然行運之間的流動,將心靈沉澱回歸最原始的樣貌,洗淨鉛華,氣度恢弘,獨享尊榮。 Heated by the flames of Datun Mountain, the nourishing spring water is a blessing from nature. The serene hot spring pool and spa offers the ultimate moment of peace and quiet relaxation. Gaze upon the glistening rippling waters and feel the flowing energy of nature as it settles and soothes your mind, washing away stress and restoring your body’s natural balance. Experience the magnificence of nature and the ultimate pampering.

沐天澤 Hot Spring1F

富含海洋礦鹽精華且易於人體吸收,據專家考證,無論在泉質、溫度、療效、湧泉量皆為全球罕見,超越日本名湯,並獲SGS溫泉水質安全認證。賓客可以在沐天澤裡享受有如浸沐在上天溫暖的恩澤中。一如白居易《長恨歌》說的,溫泉水滑洗凝脂,此地溫潤的山泉,總是能讓人清淨忘憂,也讓皮膚得到最好的滋潤,返生逆齡。 The hot spring is rich in minerals and can be easily absorbed by human body.The hot spring water is certified safe by SGS, and guests may enjoy a soothing bathing experience while soaking in the warm and naturally blessed spring waters. As the Chinese poet Bai Ju-yi described in his ‘Song of Everlasting Regret’, spring water soothes and nourishes fair jade skin.The moisturizing spring water can wash away all worries while rejuvenate the skin.

開放時間 每周一為例行保養日,平日開放時間為每周二-週日 AM07:30-PM22:00,最後入場時間為:PM21:00。

預約專線 Reservations 02-2622-7888 * 6700 or 1111

湯屋 Private Hot Spring Room

房內以簡約素雅的概念,融媃東方禪意風格,每間客房皆有起居室、餐廳、客廳、獨立浴室/浴池。 有別於相對迷你的泡湯湯屋空間,蘊泉庄以23坪尊榮湯屋,帶給您低調奢華的極致體驗。完善的格局及軟硬體設施、溫潤的溫泉泉質,澄淨您疲憊、緊張的身心。法國知名品牌PASCAL MORABITO的沐浴備品,帶給您蘊蓄內外兼修的完美品味。 The interior of the room is simple and elegant concept, blend Eastern Zen elements,each guest room has a living room, dining area, bedroom, separate bathroom/bath. In comparison with mini spa spaces, Yun Estate Hotel offers you an ultimate experience of low-key luxury with 23 pyeong of house. Perfect pattern, hardware and soft facilities, warm and moist hot spring quality, emancipation your tired, nervous body and mind. The bath accessories are PASCAL MORABITO, a famous French brand,brings you perfect experience.

預約專線 Reservations 02-2622-7888